These numbers are possible, and plenty of websites achieve it but if you’re going to reach these numbers, then you’re going to have to Rank in google search.
Rank on Google?
Ranking a blog on Google means getting your website listed in the search results when someone Googles a term or question. The fundamental goal for most website owners, and it opens up opportunities to gain a large amount of traffic to your site
There’s a catch, however.
How many times have you been to page five of Google’s results? How often do you even make it to page two?
Page two results get well below a one percent click-through rate, so ranking in the top search results is essential. If your blog isn’t ranking at the top, then very few people see your listing in the search results, and even fewer people are clicking on your website.
Tips on How to Get Your Blog to Rank in Google’s Top
Ranking a blog in Google’s top for your target keywords can bring thousands of clicks to your website each day. Naturally, this brings the game, meaning it’s not as simple as putting up a blog and watching it soar to the top of the rankings.
Ranking well on Google takes persistence; it means doing the right things repeatedly and becoming a reliable source of value for your readers.
It is a process, and when you consistently follow the steps, you’re likely to find your blogs ranking in those top places.
Research What’s Currently Ranking in the Top Results for the Keywords You Want to Rank On
If you’re writing an article on “How to grow business,” and the next on “How to Start Your Own Investment ,” then Google might wonder where your expertise truly lies. Instead, your blogs need to be focused on your area of expertise and the information your audience is looking for.

This is where your keyword research comes in.
Using tools like Ubersuggest, you can begin to understand how users search Google, giving you ideas about the types of content you should be writing. For example, you might type in “investment” and find other keywords people are searching for, such as “investment banking salary,” “investment banking analyst,” and “investment banking jobs.”
Once you’ve made a list of relevant keywords, then it’s time to check out your competition. Through Ubersuggest, or by typing the keywords into Google, you can analyze the results that already feature at the top to find out what makes them successful:
- How long is the content?
- What topics do they discuss?
- What type of domain are they ?
Optimize for On-Page SEO for Rank in google search
On-page SEO refers to how you structure your page and its HTML to boost its chances of ranking.
I often say the essential part of blogging is offering value to the reader, but you’ve also got to convey that value to the search engines. Google isn’t human, so it doesn’t interpret content in quite the same ways as your readers. In a way, it has its language, and your blog has to communicate appropriately with it if it’s going to rank in the top 10 search results.
Google’s algorithms have come a long way in the past decade or so, and today, they’re amazingly good at understanding the meaning behind words (semantics). Still, if you want to rank for a particular keyword, then you’ve got to use it and show Google that word is central to what you’re writing about.
You can do this by including keywords in:
- headers
- meta descriptions
- image files
- page content
- alt text
Before we get too carried away with keywords, though, remember that your user comes first. Just stuffing keywords into your text at every opportunity isn’t going to look or feel natural, and it’s going to put human readers off.
Google understands the importance of user experience, so a big part of your on-page SEO is making sure you tick these boxes. People want a clean and fast user experience, so it’s essential to take care of the following as well:
don’t keyword stuff
optimize images
break your page down into easy-to-read sections
avoid thin content
On-page SEO is the nuts and bolts of what you do with your blog, so it’s essential to make sure you’re optimizing what you do each time.
Optimize for Technical SEO for Rank in google search
What’s the number one thing that drives you mad about a website?
Is it that it loads slowly? Buttons move all over the screen when you’re about to click them?
These are common user experience errors, and they cause people to bounce from your page without engaging with the content.
Google doesn’t want to send people to websites that annoy its users, so it keeps a close eye on metrics, such as load speed. It means you need to do everything you can on the technical SEO side of things to ensure your pages are performing for the reader.
There are many tools out there to help you with this and show you how Google itself views your website. Programs like Ubersuggest and Google Lighthouse can give you essential insights into how your site performs and walk you through how to make fixes.
For many, this can seem daunting and overly technical, but it’s an essential part of getting your blog ranked.
Get Backlinks for Rank in google search
If your next-door neighbor tells you to buy stocks in BMW this week, the first thing you’ll probably do is ask why and then research if other people are saying the same thing.
We want to see evidence that what we’re being told is trustworthy, and when it comes to your blog, Google wants to see the same thing. It wants to see who is backing up what you’re saying, and the way it does this is by analyzing your link profile (the links pointing from external websites to your pages.)
Backlinks work in the same way; the more people you have backing up what you say (linking to you), and the more authoritative those people are, the more Google will trust your information.
Google’s algorithm has become more and more adept at understanding the meaning behind the content, but backlinks remain one of the most crucial ranking factors.
Here’s how you can look to improve your backlink profile.
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External website
SEO Guide by google