What is an ECommerce website?
Ecommerce websites are online websites for online purchases and sales for goods and services. With the help of online transactions. we can sell or purchase products and services on an online Ecommerce website.
Everything sell and purchase that require a transaction can be completed online using a single website using mobile or laptop.

Types of An Ecommerce website
E-commerce websites websites can be categorized as following types.
Business-to-business (B2B)
B2B(Business-to-business), is a type of transaction between businesses for selling products and services. In B2B Ecommerce Store a wholesaler and manufacturer or a retailer and a wholesaler. A B2B Ecommerece website refers to an online store that helps in transactions between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumers.
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
Electronic transactions between consumers, usually through the one-third party. Assume you sell your old smartphone to every other client on eBay store or Olx store.Customer to customer (C2C) Ecommerce Website enables customers to buy and sell products and services with each other, frequently in an online environment.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Ecommerce store Help us in selling products and services directly between a business and consumers. Most of the companies that directly sell to consumers is referred to as B2C companies. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) is also known as Direct-to-consumer.Assume you purchase a new t-shirt from an internet retailer.
Consumer-to-Business (C2B):
Consumer-to-business(C2B) Ecommerce store is a business model in which consumers create value and businesses consume that value. For example, when a consumer writes reviews or when a consumer gives a useful idea for new product development then that consumer is creating value for the business if the business adopts the input.
How An E-Commerce Website Can help Us In Our Businesses
By definition, an e-commerce website allows you to buy and sell actual digital products, or services online. The purchase and sale of products and services have been practiced for generations. In an online store, it is easy to initiate transactions through mobiles or laptops without a middleman. This can both owner of store and consumer with the cost.
Ecommerce website development is the process of the creation, maintenance, and administration of an online web store. we can help you with your eCommerce website success.